Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Employment Opportunities in Brazil and Pakistan in Comparison to Austr

Question: Discuss about the Research Proposal on the Employment Opportunities in Brazil and Pakistan in Comparison to Australia. Answer: Introduction Employment is a major indicator of any countrys economic growth. Recently, countries such as Pakistan and Brazil have witnessed an influx in the number of formal education holders which has further complicated employment in these highly populated countries (Bourguignon Ferreira, 2004). This is mainly due to the improvement in education policies and the availability of education scholarships in foreign countries such as Australia. This paper undertakes a project proposal in the area of employment opportunities in both countries and comparing them to Australia. Research objectives and questions The main aim of this research is to compare the employment opportunities in Brazil and Pakistan and how they compare to Australia. It will be seeking to answer a number of research questions including; How has the improvement in education affected employment opportunities in Brazil and Pakistan? How does the employment opportunities in both countries compare to Australia Research hypothesis The following hypotheses will be tested; H (1): There more employment opportunities in both Pakistan and Brazil than in Australia H (2): There are more employment opportunities in Australia than in both countries. Gantt chart Task Beginning Ending No. of days Proposal 08/04/2017 10/04/2017 2 Literature review 11/04/2017 12/04/2017 1 Data collection 12/04/2017 14/04/2017 2 Data analysis 14/04/2017 15/04/2017 1 Report submission 15/04/2017 17/04/2017 2 Methodology Interviews and surveys will be conducted to collect necessary data which will be scrutinized to get information about the subject (Sahin, et al. 2011). Questionnaires will also be considered as a method of data collection. Data analysis will be done using both qualitative methods which will focus mainly on the survey results and quantitative methods which will take care of figures. Project budget The projected budget is $80 to cover the entre process in time. The budget will be broken down into; Literature review which will cost $20 Data collection will cost $40 Data analysis will be $20 References Bourguinon, F., Ferreira, F., Menendez, M. (2004, Feb 9). Inequality of outcomes and inequality of opportunities in Brazil. Sahin , A., Kitao , S., Cororaton , A. Laiu , S. (2011). Why Small Businesses Were Hit Harder by the Recent Recession. Current Issues in Economics and Finance, XVII(4), pp. 1-7.

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