Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Leaving The Nest The United States - 1047 Words

Leaving The Nest Within the western hemisphere, neighboring countries United States and Mexico have established an interesting relationship since their rise of independence. Within this relationship, several differences appear. These nations have had their fair share of struggles; yet both manage to coexist fairly well. When comparing both of these countries on the basis of commerce, education, and political stability the commonalities, discrepancies, and relationships become evident. As well as, the factors for the mass Mexican immigration to the United States and the harmful effects that result the country of Mexico as a whole. Both the U.S. and Mexico are federal presidential representative republics. The United States is a federal republic with Barack Hussein Obama as the president. In America the president serves as the head of state and also the head of the military. Mexico’s president Enrique Pena Nieto serves as the head of state and head of military. Mexico has 31 independent states and one federal district; while the U.S. has 50 states and one main federal district. Both countries have a Bicameral Congress system in which powers are delegated amongst houses of congress; although, the United States operates more as a representative democracy. Amongst the many factors for the rise of immigration is the corruption within government officials. The New York Times states: â€Å"But just as eye-opening as the extravagances of a public official — now under investigation afterShow MoreRelatedShould Young Singles Leave Home Before They Are Married?1289 Words   |  6 Pagessingles leave home b efore they are married? It is a worldwide social fact: the young singles that will not run away. â€Å"The Italians call them mammon, or mama s boys. The Japanese call them parasaito shinguru, or parasite singles. 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